lauantai 30. elokuuta 2014
perjantai 29. elokuuta 2014
Way to go Billy-o
What a stinker of a day!
It's been a while since last update, sorry for that, but as far as you are in the legendary Outback (countryside in Oz) you are not covered by the network all the time. In my case I have it only weekends and rarely during the week. Good excuse, huh? :D
Four days ago I left Sydney, the opera house, Harbour Bridge and awesome street market food and headed straight west from sydney about 360km to Eugovra (say "igoora") farm called Kaloola, run by local farmer Murray who employes backpackers on a regular basis to do variety of hands-on farmwork in change of accommodation and food (prepared by yourself). Well, some could say the cottage where backpackers live is not the cleanest one, but at least it's warm.
Only three days worked I've had a chance to try my hands on mustering lambs, crusting, welding, help with horses, fencing, driving a tractor, 4wd and quadbike. The work is always more or less dirty, but with appropriate clothing it's just fine. However, I came here to gain experience so it doesn't matter :) If you want to know more about the farm, you can find it on website By the way, local farms are HUGE.
Mornings are still cold but as soon as the sun rises it gets hot enough to wear just a t-shirt. Unfortunately sometimes you have to wear more than that if you don't want to get very dirty. But soon it will be spring and weather is going to be somethng between hot and boiling. Pictures soon!
It's been a while since last update, sorry for that, but as far as you are in the legendary Outback (countryside in Oz) you are not covered by the network all the time. In my case I have it only weekends and rarely during the week. Good excuse, huh? :D
Four days ago I left Sydney, the opera house, Harbour Bridge and awesome street market food and headed straight west from sydney about 360km to Eugovra (say "igoora") farm called Kaloola, run by local farmer Murray who employes backpackers on a regular basis to do variety of hands-on farmwork in change of accommodation and food (prepared by yourself). Well, some could say the cottage where backpackers live is not the cleanest one, but at least it's warm.
Only three days worked I've had a chance to try my hands on mustering lambs, crusting, welding, help with horses, fencing, driving a tractor, 4wd and quadbike. The work is always more or less dirty, but with appropriate clothing it's just fine. However, I came here to gain experience so it doesn't matter :) If you want to know more about the farm, you can find it on website By the way, local farms are HUGE.
Mornings are still cold but as soon as the sun rises it gets hot enough to wear just a t-shirt. Unfortunately sometimes you have to wear more than that if you don't want to get very dirty. But soon it will be spring and weather is going to be somethng between hot and boiling. Pictures soon!
keskiviikko 20. elokuuta 2014
Seriously, I've been dreaming about kfc so long I can't even recall. Imagine those fleshy crispy salty fatty CHICKEN. Now It's right behind the corner and I could eat there daily! I'm going to put on weight ;)
Paikallinen euron juusto on $2.50 grill chicken tms. ranskiksilla! :P |
Vois kehystaa sangyn paatyyn. |
sunnuntai 17. elokuuta 2014
!! 13000 KM is huge amount. Oli hassua kun kone alkoi laskeutua 100km ennen kenttaa :D |
Sydney from above. Vahan isompi kun hameenlinna |
This is what I was afraid of...IPC!! I ticked "yes" on at least 5 of them. better safe than sorry! |
Legendary vegemite |
day 2
I can't believe how easily I got used to local sleeping cycle. It took me only a day. Yesterday evening we went to Manly meet some other local au pairs but unfortunately none of them appeared so we just ended up watching australian rugby and soccer. After taking a bus back it was raining quite hard but we still had 2km to home. It was pretty hilarious that we actually ran that way in rain :D
At the moment I'm desperately browsing gumtree for job and found 6 possible vacancies. English is getting better, however still hard to recognize every word the hostparents say. Eli menen töihin toista viiisumia varten ja sitten aloitan varsinaisen au pair -työn. Ekaks täytyy hommata tax file number, pankkikortti tilille ja prepaid joka jo tilattiin. Paikalliset hinnat internetliittymille on paljon kalliimpia kun suomessa esim oma maksoi 40$ ja sis. 4gb nettidataa.
At the moment I'm desperately browsing gumtree for job and found 6 possible vacancies. English is getting better, however still hard to recognize every word the hostparents say. Eli menen töihin toista viiisumia varten ja sitten aloitan varsinaisen au pair -työn. Ekaks täytyy hommata tax file number, pankkikortti tilille ja prepaid joka jo tilattiin. Paikalliset hinnat internetliittymille on paljon kalliimpia kun suomessa esim oma maksoi 40$ ja sis. 4gb nettidataa.
perjantai 15. elokuuta 2014
First day
Sleeping (or trying) during flight really helped me to wake up this morning at ~ 9 AM. The host family is very friendly an the father took me for a short tour around Manly. Accidentally there was someone slipped (or jumped) off a cliff in one lookout so the place was crowded with police. Finaly, I tasted the famous KFC chicken breast. Tasty have to say
torstai 14. elokuuta 2014
Halfway there
While departing it actually hit my mind: I am really on my way to Australia! After sitting 12 hours and 13500 km I got used to it pretty well. Trying to sleep according to sydney timezone was not as easy as I first thought. Only a few hours of coma and a glimpse of actual sleep was the result. After arriving Malaysian airport I headed to first cafe with a new aquaintance to stay awake with a big cup of coffee (which I actually hated, never liked coffee).
keskiviikko 13. elokuuta 2014
To Australia!
Hey kaikki jotka olette blogiini eksynyt. Olen (kohta) 20-vuotias nuori mies lähdössä Ausseihin vuodeksi toteuttamaan pitkäaikaista toivetta, joka on pyörinyt päässä joskus lukion ykköseltä. Kahdentoista vuoden opintojen ja armeijan jälkeen ei tee mieli vielä lähteä opintojen ihmemaahan, ja päätin ottaa pienen välivuoden tuossa lähistöllä :)
Tarkoitukseni on working holiday -viisumin turvin matkustaa, työskennellä random farmeilla/pelloilla tms. sekä au pairina sekä tietenkin hankkia unohtumattomia kokemuksia. Sählinki kuuluu tähän valmisteluun kaikkine tuliaisineen ja kun yrittää miettiä mitä saattaisi tarvita. Check in onnistuu onneksi netissä joten se on pois huolehdittavien listalta. Vielä täytyy hakea fazerin levyjä ja salmiakkeja, niin tuliaiset on koossa. En erikseen kirjoita sen enempää pakkaamisesta, ellei joku sitä erityisesti toivo.
Matkaan varustauduin ostamalla samsung galaxy tab 3 10.1:n, 32gb:n microsd:n ja eBayn kiinalaisen näppäimistösuojuksen. Pohdin kauan läppärin ja tabin välillä mutta päädyin tabiin, koska se on näppärämpi, pidempi akunkesto ja halvempi. Kuulumiset ja nettiasiointi onnistuu 10.1" näytöltä helpommin kun älypuhelimelta, joten se oli aika must hankinta.
Lähtö on siis 14.8 eli torstaina, helsinki-vantaalta amsterdamiin finnairilla ja siitä malesian airlinella Kuala Lumpuriin (hassu paikannimi kyllä :) ja edelleen "Sidniin"! Kyseinen reitti on sama kuin traagisella MH17-lennolla. Vähän kyllä hirvittää, mutta lippu oli halpa eli reilu kuusisataa euroa. Lento kestää 28h yhteensä, joista AMS-KUL n. 12h. Tykkään kyllä lentää ettei pitäisi tulla vaikeuksia :D
Viimeisenä päivänä vietetään läksiäisiä ja pikkuveljen synttäreitä sekä mitä nyt enää ehtii tehdä. Oma huone tuntuu jo niiiiin kaukaiselta. Mutta ei haittaa, Aus here I come!!
Vika reissu Hondalla. |
Yritän pitää aktiivista blogia x) mutta englanniksi.
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